Oaxaca vacation

dsc00924This week I leave for a one-week vacation to the Mexican state of Oaxaca, basing my trip out of the capital city of Oaxaca.  I chose this location because it is exotic, warm, not too touristy, the tickets were affordable, and something about it just appealed to my sense of wanderlust.  There is a real sense of adventure to this trip– I planned it quickly, booked it without thinking too much, and it is the first time I will be alone in a foreign country where English is not the predominant language (hence the major refresh on Spanish!!)  While I love traveling with friends, I needed to take the trip this month and fellow travelers were not available.  I see this trip as a chance to relax, reflect, and enjoy the unpredictable adventurous experiences that may arrive.  I also have been a bit bummed recently, and want to be in a fantastic place in January (more news on why soon), so this trip will hopefully provide a life reboot!

I’m picking out cool places to visit and things to do, but am not over planning much.  I am staying in a hostel in the hopes of interacting with fellow traveling adventurers.  For me, part of travel is to relax, a.k.a.  no over pre-planning and rushing around the whole time!  I also like to just let things happen, which is how some of the best experiences occur, which is much better when it is not all laid out before I even get there.

I’m interested in hearing what motivates others to travel and their travel style.  Please share!

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